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Choose the right tree for the right place.
Some things to consider before you plant:
-Soil type
– Mature size of tree
– Access to water
– The benefits of shading
– Overhead obstructions such as utility wires
and remember…..
Never, ever top your trees.
Below are suggested tree species for the Middle Tennessee area, but not every tree will be right for your yard. Plan before you plant.
American Holly
Bald Cypress
Chestnut Oak
Dawn Redwood
Eastern Redbud
Flowering Dogwood
Golden Raintree
Japanese Zeikova
Kousa Dogwood
Lacebark Elm
Lendon Plane Tree
Northern Red Oak
Red Maple
Service Berry
Sweet Bay Magnolia
Southern Magnolia
Washington Hawthorn
Willow Oak
Yellow Poplar (Tulip Tree)
Yoshino Cherry
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