Bell Buckle, Tennessee has been named a Tree City USA.
We are the smallest town in Tennessee to achieve Tree City USA status.
Bell Buckle observed Arbor Day with a ceremony during
Daffodil Day, March 2005 on the square.
Duck River Electric Membership Corporation is among the annual participants in the Bell Buckle annual Daffodil Day activities the third Saturday of March each year. Bell Buckle, which is recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA for the is joined by Duck River Electric, Tennessee’s first Tree Line USA cooperative for the annual event. DREMC was first recognized during the Arbor Day Foundation’s 12th annual Tree and Utilities National Conference in Omaha, Nebraska in April 2005, as the only utility in Tennessee at that time to earn this recognition.
The Tree Line USA program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters, recognized utilities that meet three requirements: a program of quality tree care, annual worker training in quality tree care practices and a tree-planting and public education program
Tree City USA recognition from The National Arbor Day Foundation is a symbol of how important our community trees are to us. The National Arbor Day Foundation is a non-profit education organization that helps people plant and care for tree.
Communities receive Tree City USA designation upon recommendation by state foresters, who co-sponsor the program along with the USDA Forest Service. To become a Tree City USA, a community must have a tree care ordinance, a legal tree governing body, a comprehensive urban forestry program and an Arbor Day observance..
Tree City USA is a recognized standard of an effective community forestry program. The basis of such a program is a commitment to ongoing improvement and renewal of a community’s urban forest.